Machine learning for inverse scattering problems

Machine learning for inverse scattering problems
张凯 教授,吉林大学
Inviter: 刘晓东 副研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.6.08 10:00 腾讯会议号:456-888-571


In this presentation, we consider artificial neural networks for inverse scattering problems. As a working model, we consider the inverse problem of recovering a scattering object from the (possibly) limited-aperture radar cross section (RCS) data collected corresponding to a single incident field. From a geometrical and physical point of view, the low-frequency data should be able to resolve the unique identifiability issue, but meanwhile lose the resolution. On the other hand, the machine learning can be used to break through the resolution limit. By combining the two perspectives, we develop a fully connected neural network (FCNN) for the inverse problem. Extensive numerical results show that the proposed method can produce stunning reconstructions.


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