Stability conditions for a free boundary problem of compressible Euler equations coupled with a nonlinear Poisson equation

Stability conditions for a free boundary problem of compressible Euler equations coupled with a nonlinear Poisson equation
罗涛 教授,香港城市大学
Inviter: 王勇 副研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.9.30 14:00 腾讯会议号: 569-724-854


In this talk, I will discuss the stability conditions for a free boundary problem of compressible Euler equations coupled with a nonlinear Poisson equation of electric potential. Under those stability conditions, a priori estimates of Sobolev norms and the bounds for geometric quantities of the free surface are given.  I will compare the isentropic and non-isentropic cases for the different considerations. The talk is based on the recent joint work with K. Trivisa and H. H. Zeng.


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