Phase transitions and log Sobolev inequalities

Phase transitions and log Sobolev inequalities
Dr.Matias Delgadino, University of Texas System
Inviter: 汤厚志 博士
Time & Venue:

2023.12.7 15:00 S415


In this talk, we will study the mean field limit of weakly interacting diffusions for confining and interaction potentials thatare not necessarily convex. We explore the relationship between the large N limit of the constant in the logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) for the N-particle system, and the presence or absence of phase transitions for the mean field limit. The non-degeneracy of the LSI constant will be shown to have far reaching consequences, especially in the context of uniform-in-time propagation of chaos and the behaviour of equilibrium fluctuations. This will be done by employing techniques from the theory of gradient flows in the 2-Wasserstein distance, specifically the Riemannian calculus on the space of probability measures.


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